Want to try it on? No problem
We understand that choosing the perfect baby carrier for you and your little one can be a significant decision. We are confident you will love our carrier when you start trying it on. Therefore, we offer a free 30-day trial period where you can try it on as many times as you want.
Don't like it? As long as the product is in good condition (you can try it on but it should be clean), you can return it. Just register your return within 30 days, and we will refund your purchase.
Want to return? Here is how
Returns in the EU are free. To request a return, please follow this link to the return form. We will provide you with a return label. Remember, returns are only accepted when the product is in a good state - you can try it on, but it should be clean.

Where to find the product code
You can find the extended product code in the label of the waistband.