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Should I choose a baby wrap or a baby carrier?

Should I choose a baby wrap or a baby carrier?

There are many different types of baby wraps and baby carriers. Which one you choose depends entirely on what you prefer and what fits your lifestyle, as well as the age of your child.

For small, newborn babies, a baby wrap can be very comfortable. There is still little weight to distribute. A baby wrap is completely folded around your baby, and can perfectly follow the curve of the spine. The weight of the baby is distributed over your shoulders, stomach, and back. It takes some time to learn how to tie a baby wrap perfectly. You really need to practice a few times to make sure the wrap fits tightly and properly supports your baby in the so-called M-position. Putting it on and taking it off takes a bit longer. A wrap can easily be carried in your bag, but it can be a bit of a hassle to tie a nearly 2-meter-long wrap! There are elastic and woven wraps, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. An elastic wrap is only suitable for younger babies, but has the advantage that you can take the baby in and out without having to tie the wrap again.

A baby carrier, or "buckled baby carrier" in English, has ease of use and comfort as major advantages. Putting it on and taking it off is much easier than with a wrap, because there are no knots involved. You attach the carrier to your body using closures or "buckles". The so-called "ergonomic baby carriers", such as the NIMBEL carrier, provide proper support for your baby's hips and legs to reduce the risk of hip dysplasia. In ergonomic carriers, your baby's legs are supported from knee to knee, and the baby is in the so-called "M-position": with the knees higher than the buttocks.

Another advantage of baby carriers is that the weight of the baby is distributed over the shoulders, back, and hips. The NIMBEL carrier is the only one that allows you to carry all of the baby's weight with your hips, thus preventing pain in the shoulders and neck. The NIMBEL carrier does this by means of two rods that support the baby's weight directly on the hips. The baby is therefore not hanging from the shoulders, but is in a structure that is supported by the hips.

Most baby carriers can be used from birth, provided your baby weighs at least 3.5 kg. There is often a special "insert" available to position the baby higher in the carrier. Your baby should be at "kissing height" with its head; when you can easily kiss the head. There are special carriers that are designed for the first year. These carriers sometimes, like baby wraps, do not have hip support, but are mainly lightweight and easy to carry. Most baby carriers can be used up to the age of 2. Because the NIMBEL carrier directs the weight to the hips, it can be used comfortably up to 25 kilograms.

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