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NIMBEL baby carrier won a Red Dot Design Award

NIMBEL baby carrier won a Red Dot Design Award

It’s time for a celebration because the Red Dot institute awarded NIMBEL for outstanding product design!

The Red Dot Design Award is an international prize for superlative design quality. The jury only awards the highly sought-after seal of quality to products that are characterized by outstanding design. Among the numerous submissions from companies and design studios from all over the world, the outstanding quality and design of the NIMBEL carrier convinced the international jury!

Good design is multifaceted, and a product needs to be able to win over the Red Dot Jury on several levels. To do this, it must combine four qualities of good design:

  • The quality of function: What purpose does the product fulfill?
  • The quality of seduction: Is the product aesthetically convincing?
  • The quality of use: Is the product self-explanatory and easy to use?
  • The quality of responsibility: Is the product sustainable or durable?

It took NIMBEL 4 years to get to this point. A lot of passion and drive went into the process of designing the NIMBEL, going through rigorous testing, daunting international certification procedures, and getting the patent registered globally.

We are humbled that this work has been recognized. First with the Baby Innovation Award & Design Award on the Negenmaandenbeurs in January 2024, and now with a Red Dot.

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