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Can you ride a bike with a baby in a carrier?

Can you ride a bike with a baby in a carrier?

Every parent with a young baby knows what a challenge it can be to get from A to B with their little one. How can you move around together in a way that is comfortable for your baby and doesn't interfere with their naps and feedings? You don't always want to take the car. And if you're alone, it's not always pleasant to have your little one in the back seat while you're driving. Especially not if your baby starts crying... Using a stroller on public transportation isn't always easy either. Walking with a carrier is nice because you're very mobile and your baby is close to you. Your baby can also sleep during the trip and continue sleeping when you arrive at your destination. But of course, you can't get everywhere by walking.

It's very tempting to ride a bike with the baby carrier. And many parents feel it's quite safe to have their baby close to them. However, it's not a safe way to transport your baby. Your baby is completely unprotected if you were to fall or have a collision. In addition, the weight on your stomach and the limitation of your freedom of movement could also cause you to fall more easily.

So no matter how easy and convenient it may seem to ride a bike with your baby in a carrier or wrap, don't do it! Stick to transportation in a car seat, stroller, or walking with the carrier.

Also, don't start too early with putting your baby in a bike seat. A child must be able to sit independently for a longer period of time to be able to handle a bumpy bike ride while sitting. If you see your child slumping during the ride, they are not ready yet.

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